Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Oct 12...38 days to go

hi guys here first entry ..I liked what pm started ...lovely idea

So ,a month before we will leave for India and exactly 38 days before Bmm's wedding .Yippee..Its been a while since there was a wedding in the Family .Mine was three and a half yrs ago, besides I could never dance at my own wedding ..and I will at this one with Uma, PL & PM .IT should be great fun .Need to get a CD of the latest "tadakta-phadakta "(in PL's words) music....

So when I asked Uma if she was ready with the choreography for our-duo-item number , Uma who is 5 told me "Umm , NU Mashi ...yeah I have something ready .When you come over to my place next time , I'll show you how it goes " Suppressing my laughter at such a grown up answer I said " Ok , so what song is it and what movie is it from?"
Uma said" Umm..I dont remember the song " ....More suppressed laughter since I dont wanna hurt my darling niece's feelings. :-)

PM and me spent the time after my exam last friday , having fun and SHOPPING ...that was a real ball, bought gifts for the folks .My expert seamstress sister stitched some more ...she completed a blouse for one of the super cool lace sarees we got for me .and completed her own blouses .PM? More stitching left after that?

I once again looked at my outfits and imagined the wedding ....FUN!!