Thursday, October 06, 2005

43 days to go!!

There is a wedding in the family.
We are Indian, so the weddings are grand affairs, reminiscent of times when people had time and a wedding was once in a lifetime occasion, a reason for celebration, a reason to get everybody together, family, neighbors, extended family, relatives, acquaintances, business associates, dogs cats and all the strays in the neighborhood.
This time around, it is a little smaller than that, we- the family is split across three continents. Mom-Dad in India; Bmm, the groom, in Germany; Minu and Panku in Olympia (USA); Me and uma ( my daughter) in Seattle. The brunt of the work is for Mom and Dad. Bmm has a house to get ready for the bride. And we, the sisters, are busy shopping, some for the bride some for the rest of us and mostly just waiting for the trip to India and the festivities to begin.
This blog is an attempt to count down to the wedding. Each of us will attempt to chronicle our bits of the preparation, the jitters, the excitement, general commentary, witticisms, PJs, photos... whatever.
So, here we go... 43 and counting!!!